
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Earn Fbc 2013 Full Tutorial


  • HSS
  • Security Kiss 
  • Google Chrome / Mozilla Firefox

Search Games The Many Generate FBC

  1. Ravenwood Fair (
  2. Draw mything (
  3. Zoo Paradise (
  4. Tetris Battle (
  5. Paradise Life (
  6. Hero City (
  7. Crime City (
  8. Fashion Designer (
  9. Cafe Line (
  10. Deal Or No Deal (
  11. Spartacusgame (

Remember! [VIDEO OUT REGULAR HOURS 12 Noon - 15 pmAfternoon]

Usage Procedure:

  1. Log In to Facebook Past
  2. Use Hotspot Shield & Security Kiss
  3. Then Activate Program Above
  4. Log Into Game
  5. Search Posts Earn & Watch Video
  6. Watch a video of the song until the end
  7. You will be 1 FBC per video

How to Watch Her Videos & View Frame Source:

  1. Locate the "Earn 1 Credit? Watch the entire video below. Click the banner to learn more"
  2. Right Click, Then Select "View Frame Source"
  3. Then, a new tab will appear
  4. Find Link in new tab (To Easily search click (Ctrl + F) >> See Picture Here
  5. Then copy the link after the mark (") to pre-mark (") {"= Quote Marks}
  6. After that, paste it into a new tab
  7. The video set
  8. After that play the vidio that first reply was in the last game link wait until it finishes loading.
  9. After that video is in another tab it can be played together or going on a swivel 1/1 is fine :)

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Heroes DotA Defense Instant death to enemy Android Game Moded

Salam blogger :)
Pasti udh pada tau game dota kan ??? nah kali ini mod game Heroes DotA Defense. oke langsung cek ittt gan.

Details Game: 
Name       : Heroes DotA Defense
Version    : 2.0
Genre       : Action
Platform  : Android 
Requires  : Android 4.0  and up

Modification on Game: 
1. Instant death to enemy

Review Modif:


Tutorial Instal : 
1. Download game. 
2. Pindahkan Game ke Androidmu.
3. Uniinstal Version originalnya, jika ada.
4. Instal MOD apk & Play
5. Enjoyyy 

Heroes DotA Defense - One Hit kill[Android Game : Moded]

|Download Original game|
On Playstore

#Salam Blogger
#Semoga bermanfaat :)
#Ask? comment
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n style"

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Buy Free Emblem Token

Hi All Were Back Again :D , We Will Always Update !

Register [Here]
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Register > Login > Home > Ads > Click Advertisement > Follow Verivy Order > Get Up to much > Payout
Minimal Payout : $2
In 2 Month i can buy Emblem in my Dummy,this is your chance for getting Emblem :D

Must Have : Paypal,Payza,Liberty Reserve

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Setup Hardware Devices debugging for Android Studio on Ubuntu 15 10

This video show how to setup /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules in Ubuntu (behind VirtualBox) to enable hardware device debugging in Android Studio.

The development platform is 64-bit Ubuntu-GNOME 15.10 running in VirtualBox, with Android Studio installed with Ubuntu Make (umake).

To enable hardware device debugging in Ubuntu, you have to create /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file to add device IDs for your debugging devices. (refer: Android Developers Document Using Hardware Devices - Setting up a Device for Development)

Create /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules file with sudo right, add the line and save:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="18d1", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"
where "18d1" is the USB Vendor ID for Google, Nexus 7 in my case.

Run the command:
$ sudo chmod a+r /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

This video show how to, behind VirtualBox.

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The Times of India v2 0 Free

Get The Times of India’s complete and up-to-date coverage of everything that is relevant and interesting — anytime, anywhere.
This app, designed and developed for Android devices, brings you breaking news and unrivalled coverage of national, international, city, sports, entertainment, lifestyle, business, health, science and technology topics from India’s most-read and most-trusted newspaper.
It comes with Push Notifications, live cricket scorecard; local news from more than 40 cities; latest movie reviews by critics as well as readers; superb photo galleries; and top videos from news, business, sports, entertainment and lifestyle categories.

You can read stories or view photos in landscape as well as portrait mode. The app is highly customizable. You can set your favourite city, change the background colour, and increase or reduce text size. You can save articles/photos for offline reading/viewing, and share articles and photos via email, SMS, Facebook or Twitter.
The Times of India’s Android app is optimized for the Android platform’s 2.3 and above.

Whats New
- Newly designed, re-sizable widget
- Fixed issue which prevented notifications being turned off on some devices
- Restricted the space used by some advertisements
- Improved application speed
- Other miscellaneous bug fixes

Read Here: How to Install APK

Requirements: Android 2.1+
File Size: 2.49 MB
Download Link:
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Animated GIF Androidify for 3D Hologram viewer

Last post I tried to generate interactive animation using ObjectAnimator, to simulate 3D Hologram effect. This post I create Custom View to display animated GIF of Androidify, to simulate the effect.

The animated GIFs of Androidify are create using Googles Androidify App.  Then I have to edit the animated GIFs to resize it to 200x200, and change the background to black using GIMP. Then copy the files to drawable folder in Android Studio project.

Create a custom view, GifView, to handle the animated GIF. If you are looking for display animated GIF, refer "Play animated GIF using, with Movie.decodeStream(InputStream)". In this version, I have to handle src attribute from xml, such that I can display four GifView of different source.

GifView .java
package com.blogspot.android_er.androidmirror;

import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.View;


public class GifView extends View {

private InputStream gifInputStream;
private Movie gifMovie;
private int movieWidth, movieHeight;
private long movieDuration;
private long mMovieStart;

public GifView(Context context) {
init(context, null);

public GifView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
super(context, attrs);
init(context, attrs);

public GifView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs,
int defStyleAttr) {
super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr);
init(context, attrs);

private void init(Context context, AttributeSet attrs){

//Handle src attribute from xml
if(attrs == null){
gifInputStream = context.getResources().openRawResource(R.drawable.androidify1b);
int src_id = attrs.getAttributeResourceValue(
gifInputStream = context.getResources().openRawResource(src_id);

gifMovie = Movie.decodeStream(gifInputStream);
movieWidth = gifMovie.width();
movieHeight = gifMovie.height();
movieDuration = gifMovie.duration();

protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec,
int heightMeasureSpec) {
setMeasuredDimension(movieWidth, movieHeight);

public int getMovieWidth(){
return movieWidth;

public int getMovieHeight(){
return movieHeight;

public long getMovieDuration(){
return movieDuration;

protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {

long now = android.os.SystemClock.uptimeMillis();
if (mMovieStart == 0) { // first time
mMovieStart = now;

if (gifMovie != null) {

int dur = gifMovie.duration();
if (dur == 0) {
dur = 1000;

int relTime = (int)((now - mMovieStart) % dur);


gifMovie.draw(canvas, 0, 0);



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>





Edit AndroidManifest.xml to disable hardwareAccelerated by setting it false.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
package="com.blogspot.android_er.androidmirror" >

android_theme="@style/AppTheme" >
<activity android_name=".MainActivity"
<action android_name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />

<category android_name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />


Nothing do on
package com.blogspot.android_er.androidmirror;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


download filesDownload the files (Android Studio Format) .

download filesDownload APK .

If you have a DIY 3D Hologram Projector, you can view the test view at YouTube.

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Monster Mania TD First Strike Unlimite Gems Gold Android Game Moded

Salam Blogger :) 
pas buka facebook, banyak bener request. duh... game yg udh di mod aja banyak yg ke pending gara2 kuliahan, tapi kuliah ga bakal bsa di salahin sih. karena itu kewajiban, >,< . oke kali ini ane mau share game mod lagi nih. yaitu game mod yg bergenre petualangan. petualangan kali ini petualangan melawan monster2. oke langsung aja cek it , kalian senang saya juga senang. :D 

Details Game: 
Name      : Monster Mania TD: First Strike 
Genre      : Action, Strategi
Platform  : Android 
Requires  : Android 2.3  and up

Modification on Game: 
- Unlimited Gems
- Unlimited Gold

Review Modif:


Tutorial Instal : 
1. Download game. 
2. Pindahkan Game ke Androidmu.
3. Uniinstal Version originalnya, jika ada.
4. Instal MOD apk & Play
5. Enjoyyy 

Monster Mania TD: First Strike - Unlimite Gems&Gold[Android Game : Moded]

|Download Original game|
On Playstore

#Salam Blogger
#Semoga bermanfaat :)
#Ask? comment :)
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Friday, April 29, 2016

Hasil Poll Merk Handphone Android

Berikut ini hasil polling merk Android dari total 118 pemakai Android.

Seperti rencana sebelumnya, saya akan mencoba menampilkan beberapa artikel yang berkaitan dengan merk handphone yang dominan dipakai. Dari total 118 tersebut jelas dapat dilihat Samsung berada di urutan nomer satu dan diikuti di nomer dua Sony Ericsson. Merek lain jumlahnya sembilan buah. Kira-kira merek apa saja tuh yang sembilan. Pada saat bikin poll kemarin tidak banyak survei merk Android, makanya dibuatin kategori Merek lain.
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Android popup messages using Toast

In Android you can display pop up messages that lasts for a certain duration and then disappears-using the Toast class.

Toast is a transient message that appears and disappears without any interaction from the user and with no notification to the program that it disappeared.

the Toast can display a simple text message or a complex view.

Displaying simple text:

to display a simple toast that displays a text message we use the following code:
Toast toast=Toast.makeText(this, "Hello toast", 2000);
toast.setGravity(Gravity.TOP, -30, 50);;

we create the toast using the static Toast.makeText(Context con,String message, int duration) method to create a toast in the current context to display a text message for a duration specified in milli seconds or we can use the constant values Toast.LENGTH_SHORT to display for a short duration or Toast.LENGTH_LONG for longer duration.
The toast by default appears in the center of the screen, you can change the default position by specifying the Gravity and the X and Y offsets.
finally we call the Show() method to display the toast.

the previous toast will be like this:

Displaying complex views:

Toasts can also display complex views. this is done like this:

First: create a layout xml file in res/layout directory. the file must be named toast_layout.xml.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android_text="Hello toast"


then from the code
Toast toast=new Toast(this);
LayoutInflater inflater=this.getLayoutInflater();
View toastView=inflater.inflate(R.layout.toast_layout, (ViewGroup)findViewById(;
TextView txtDate=(TextView)toastView.findViewById(;
txtDate.setText("toast appeared at "+Calendar.getInstance().getTime().toLocaleString());
toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, 0, 0);

the toast will be like this:
  • In the toast_layout.xml width, if you put any buttons or any control that has a callback, it would appear disabled and the user cannot interact with it.
  • The toast can be created in two ways: by calling Toast.makeText method or by specifyinga view via setView method. when you want to display a simple text use the first one otherwise use the second. if you try to interchange or combie between the two methods an exception will be thrown.
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Android Selection Controls

Android offers selection Controls like

1. List View.

2. Spinner

3. Check box

4. Radio Button

The List View:

ListView represents a list of items that can be selected. It is similar to the ListBox in C#.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

To populate the list and handle the ItemClick event we can do it like this :
final String [] items=new String[]{"Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4"};
ArrayAdapter ad=new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,items);
list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()

public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2,
long arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TextView txt=(TextView)findViewById(;



The above code displays the selected item text in the textview:
The parameters of the OnItemClick method are:

Arg0:the listview, notice that it is of type AdapterView.

Arg1: the view that represents the selected item, in this example it will be a TextView

Arg2: the position of the selected item.

Arg3: the id of the selected item.

When creating the adapter you can specify the layout of the list by using simple_list_item_1 to display a simple list or by using

simple_list_item_single_choice to display radio buttons for single selection

Or by using simple_list_item_multiple_choice to display check boxes for multiple selection
You can set the choice mode of the list by using setchoicemode() method:
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final String [] items=new String[]{"Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4"};
ArrayAdapter ad=new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_multiple_choice,items);
ListView list=getListView();


Now suppose you want to change the text of the an item when it is clicked, you can do it like this:
list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()

public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2,
long arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TextView txt=(TextView)findViewById(;
list.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(ListControls.this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,items));



Or a more neat way:
list.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener()

public void onItemClick(AdapterView arg0, View arg1, int arg2,
long arg3) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
TextView temp=(TextView)arg1;
temp.setText("changed 2");


See that you actually change the value of the string array item at the selected position then bind the listview with the adapter again. Or you capture the View object and do what you want.

If the activity will contain just one listview you can create an activity that extends list view. In this case you don’t have to specify a layout as a listview will fill the screen.
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final String [] items=new String[]{"Item1","Item2","Item3","Item4"};
ArrayAdapter ad=new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1,items);

If you want to reference or customize this listview then you can define it in the layouts xml fine by assigning it the id “android:id/list” so that the activity knows which listView is the main list for the activity .

This example shows a listview and a textview
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
android_text="List View Demo"


Now if you want to customize the ui of each row of the listview you define two layouts files: the first has the layout of the activity and the other has layout of each row in the listview
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War Commander Free Gold Hack No Survey No Password

War Commander Gold Hack Free [No Survey] [No Password]

Today our site release War Commander hack Tool.We do hard work to make hack to one of the most popular game on Android&iOS.Our Hacks&Cheats and Applications are completly free from viruses.With our Hack you can add Unlimited Coins,Energy and more.War Commander Hack Download Tool is avaliable for all Android & iOS devices.Dont wait and Download our Hack Tool and HAVE FUN!!

War Commander Hack can generate any amount of Gold for your account, so you won’t have to buy this content from the game developers. You can also generate any amounts of Oil and Metal , so you can easily manage your in-game resources and overwhelm your opponents. All you need to do in order to enjoy this Facebook hack tool is get the archive from one of the download links provided below, extract and run War Commander Hack v1.40.exe. Select the desired cheat amounts then hit Hack button. The changes will appear in your account in no time, just make sure you are logged in your Facebook account when using the program. War Commander Hack is safe due to its included proxy and anti-ban feature, which keeps your computer protected. The integrated auto-update feature makes our hack unique because the cheat engine updates on start. Don’t miss this great opportunity. Download War Commander Hack now and become a resource war winner!

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Next Launcher 3D Shell v3 06 Full Pro for Android Direct Download

Next Launcher 3D Shell— Best 3D Launcher Ever. + Brand new UI3.0 Just Released!
Next Launcher 3D Shell shows you how 3D dynamic effects and highly customizable Android home screen replacement app could redefine your Android device. Time to get rid of the flat traditional launcher and embrace REAL 3D Launcher! You deserve it!

Claim Your Next Launcher 3D Shell Right NOW!
Join millions of users for ultimate and splendid operation experience and visual enjoyment!

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GameBoid GBA Emulator for Android

GameBoid - GBA Emulator for Android

GameBoid is the very famous GameBoy Advance emulator optimized for Android.
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Threading in Android part 1 Handlers

Multi-Threading concept is essential in most platforms. it provides maximum

utilization of the processor. threading is used when the program executes

time consuming processes (such as calling a web service) and to give a

good user experience by unblocking the UI.

Android provides threading techniques to perform time consuming tasks in a

background thread with coordination with the UI thread to update the UI.

Android provides the following methods of threading:
  1. Handlers.
  2. Async. Tasks.
When you create an object from the Handler class, it processes

Messages and Runnable objects associated with the

current thread MessageQueue. the message queue holds the

tasks to be executed in FIFO (First In First Out) mannser. you will need

only ine Handler per activity where the background thread will

communicate with to update the UI.

The Handler is associated with the thread from which its been created

We can communicate with the Handler by two methods:
  1. Messages.
  2. Runnable objects.
In this post we will demonstrate how to use both using a simple example which is

updating the text of a TextView using multiple threads.

Using Messages:

the steps of using a Handler are as follows:
  1. You create a Handler object with an asscociated callback

    method to handle the received messages (it is the method where the UI update

    will be done).
  2. From the background thread you will need to send messages to the

Heres the code of our activity:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
TextView txt;
// our handler
Handler handler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
//display each item in a single line
txt.setText(txt.getText()+"Item "+System.getProperty("line.separator"));

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

protected void onStart() {
// create a new thread
Thread background=new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {
for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
try {
Thread.sleep(1000); b.putString("My Key", "My Value:

// send message to the handler with the current message handler

} catch (Exception e) {
Log.v("Error", e.toString());

after running the following code the TextView will display the following,

each second a new line is written:

This example is pretty basic, it just sends the same message for a number of

what if we want the message sent to hold data thats changed each time the

message is sent, the answer is to use Message.setData(Bundle bundle)

method by creating a Bundle object and adding the data to it like this:
public class MainActivity extends Activity {
TextView txt;
// our handler
Handler handler = new Handler() {
public void handleMessage(Message msg) {
// get the bundle and extract data by key
Bundle b = msg.getData();
String key = b.getString("My Key");
txt.setText(txt.getText() + "Item " + key

/** Called when the activity is first created. */
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
txt = (TextView) findViewById(;

protected void onStart() {
// create a new thread
Thread background = new Thread(new Runnable() {

public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
try {
Message msg = new Message();
Bundle b = new Bundle();
b.putString("My Key", "My Value: " + String.valueOf(i));
// send message to the handler with the current message handler
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.v("Error", e.toString());

we put a string to the bundle and send a message with that bundle. in the

handler method we receive the bundle and get the value with the predefined key.
after executing that code the text view would look like this:

Using Runnables:
another way to use Handlers is to pass them a Runnable by using the method like this:
Runnable r=new Runnable() {

public void run() {


this will add the Runanble object to the message queue to be executed by

the handler.

Sending Messages in a

timely manner:
we can use handlers to send messages or post runnables at time intervals using

the following methods:

  1. handler.sendEmptyMessageAtTime(int what,long uptimeMillis):sends an
     empty message at a specific time in milli-seconds, can be defined by using the
    SystemClock.uptimeMillis() method to get the time since the device boot
     in milli-seconds and concatinating to it.
  2. handler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(int what,long delayMillis):sends an
     empty message after a certain amount of time in milli-seconds.
  3. handler.sendMessageAtTime(Message msg,long uptimeMillis).
  4. handler.sendMessageDelayed(Message msg,long delayMillis).
  5. handler.postAtTime(Runnable r,long uptimeMillis).
  6. handler.postAtTime(Runnable r,Object token,long uptimeMillis):posts a
     runnable with an object as a distinguishing token.
  7. handler.postDelayed(Runnable r,long delayMillis).
All the above messages return a boolean indicating whether the message or the

runnable has been placed successfully in the message queue.

Removing Call backs:
if you want to remove a runnable or a message from the message queue, you can

use the following methods:

  1. handler.removeCallbacks(Runnable r).
  2. handler.removeCallbacks(Runnable r,Object token).
  3. handler.removeCallbacksAndMessages(Object token).
  4. handler.removeMessages(int what).
  5. handler.removeMessages(int what,Object object)
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Thursday, April 28, 2016

Cara Merubah Cover Tampilan Lagu Mp3 Hasil Download di Android

Cara Merubah Cover/Tampilan Lagu Mp3 Hasil Download di Androi -Pastinya anda sebagai pengguna Android sudah sreing kali melakukan download lagu di situs-situs yang memberikan lagu mp3 terbaru. Namun yang sangat disayangkan adalah lagu yang kita unduh dari website/situs download lagu mp3 tersebut kadang menampilkan cover lagu mp3 yang tidak kita sukai. Nah, untuk engatasi masalah tersbut saya akan memberikan tips dan tirknya untuk anda,.

Cara yang saya gunakan cukup mudah dan tidak memerlukan root, karena hanya menggunakan Aplikasi pendukung yang tersedia di Play Store, nama Aplikasi tersebut adalah Audio Tagger-Tag Music. Untuk lebih jelasnya langsung saja simak dibawah ini.

Cara Mengedit gambar Cover album MP3 di android :
  • Dapatkan Aplikasinya di Play Store  Lalu Install
  • Buka Aplikasi

  • Pilih Dimana Tempat Penyimpanan Lagu/MP3 lalu pilih lagu dan centang pilihan lagu yang anda ingin ganti covernya
  • Selanjunya pilih Tag

  • Selanjutnya pilih  ARTWORK

  •  Lalu pilih ADD From File

  •  Setelah itu Pilih Foto/Gambar di tempat anda menyimpan foto/gambar lalu klik OK
  • Selesai
Untuk Melihat Hasil yang sudah anda ubah tadi,  Masuk ke Aplikasi Pemutar Musik dan Mainkan Lagunya, dan Lihat Cover/Gambarnya maka akan sesuai dengan cover yang anda inginkan.

Sekian Tips mudah  Edit Cover Album MP3 di Android. Semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih telah berkunjung di blog saya.
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Android Technically What Is It

Android - Technically what is it?
    (an overivew of what is Android and its uniqueness is discussed in another post below)

    1. It is an operating system for mobile
    2. Interestingly, it is not yet another OS, but component based
    3. It has an integrated Java Virtual Machine
    4. System interfaces are exposed only through Java libraries
    5. It is based on the Linux Kernel
    6. An Android SDK is provided to let developers build applications on top of the OS but not extend the OS itself
    7. The SDK includes

      • Android packages
      • sample files
      • Documentation
      • A Simulator
The offical site of Android broadly classfies the technical parts of the OS as
consisting of
  1. Linux Kernel
  2. Android Runtime
  3. Libraries
  4. Application Framework
over which the core applications run as well as the applications developed by anyone using this framework
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War Pirates MEGA Mod Android Game Moded

Salam blogger :)
Sudah saatnya share game rpg again, game ini bertemakan bajak laut. disini kita bisa recruit pirate. ada pirate legendary yang bisa di recruit disini. utk memudahkan kalian menuju dewa di game tsb, akan saya kasih mod nya :3 oke cek it..

Details Game: 
Name       : War Pirates
Version    : 1.0.200
Genre       : RPG
Platform  : Android 
Requires  : Android 4.0  and up

Modification on Game: 
1. Infinite Cannon Shots
2. Cannon Shots now increase to x999
3. No Cannon Cool Down
4. Hard Mode Unlock
5. Hard Mode Difficulty sets to 0

Review Modif:


Tutorial Instal : 
1. Download game. 
2. Pindahkan Game ke Androidmu.
3. Uniinstal Version originalnya, jika ada.
4. Instal MOD apk & Play
5. Enjoyyy 

War Pirates - MEGA Mod[Android Game : Moded]

|Download Original game|
On Playstore

#Salam Blogger
#Semoga bermanfaat :)
#Ask? comments
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